What should pet shops owners consider when selling dog towels❓
🤷‍♀️ Here is the best ones and where to find them! 🤷‍♀️

Bilge Maraz
1 min readAug 17, 2021
Microfiber Dog Towels

Many pet shop owners find it hard to opt for a good dog towel that is useful for keeping the car clean, fur and fair off the upholstery. A type of towel that absorb after a day at the beach or a long hike. A practical stashed in the mudroom to dry the legs and paws after a rainy walk or after a good weekly bath in addition to cutting down on the dreaded wet dog smell.🧨

Towels made for human comes in a variety of different fabrics but dog towels often made of microfiber for many reasons, solid than cotton, absorbent and less soft. those features made of a microfiber dog towels best option to be functional, lightweight and quick-drying. unlike the cotton they do not trap fur and dry quickly since pets are not stable when they become wet.🐶 👌

Oya Textile [www.oyatextile.com] has developed a custom-made pet dog towels with premium microfiber to level up the dog towels and made of it a great option for shop owners to sell with confidence.✔



Bilge Maraz

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